

William Ramsey - Singing

An Die Musik
Franz Schubert

William Ramsey, baritone
Stephen Sano, piano
Recital, February 13, 1993

German Texts

Du holde Kunst, in wieviel grauen Stunden,
Wo mich des Lebens wilder Kreis umstrickt,
Hast du mein Herz zu warmer Lieb' entzunden,
Hast mich in eine beßre Welt entrückt!

Oft hat ein Seufzer, deiner Harf' entflossen,
Ein süßer, heiliger Akkord von dir
Den Himmel beßrer Zeiten mir erschlossen,
Du holde Kunst, ich danke dir dafür!

English Translation

Thou Noble Art, in how many grey hours,
When life's fierce orbit ensnared me,
Have you kindled my heart to warm love,
Transported me away into a better world!

How often has a sigh escaping from your harp,
A sweet, sacred chord of yours
Opened up for me the heaven of better times,
Oh Noble Art, for that I thank you!

A  die Musik
Original Manuscript of An die Musik

Little Billee (from Soundings, 1984)

Music by Mark Volkert
Poem by William Makepeace Thackeray
Commissioned for the Grand Opening of The Monterey Bay Aquarium
William Ramsey, Bass/Baritone
Mark Volkert, Violin
Jan Volkert, Cello
John Burton, Horn
Helene Wickett, Piano

Bill Singing Il Maestro di Capella
Bill as Il maestro di cappella
Luigi Ricci
Luigi Ricci - Rome, Italy
Renata Heredia Capnist
Renata Heredia Capnist - Rome, Italy
Sergius Kagen
Sergius Kagen - New York City
Madeleine Marshall
Madeleine Marshall - New York City

Reviews - Excerpts
